Q: How do I get access to manage/schedule rooms in EMS?

A: To request scheduler access, contact your campus lead:

  • UNK - Betsy Warren, Lisa Neal
  • UNL - Carrie Jackson, Kim Kraska
  • UNMC - Andrea Swett
  • UNO - Sharon Larson, Allison Junker
  • CSC - Shellie Johns
  • WSC - Amanda Rusch

Q: How do I get access to the EMS Help SharePoint site?

A: If you would like access to the EMS Help SharePoint site which contains a knowledge base and user resources, send an email to nesisemssupport@nebraska.edu.

Q: How do I schedule a study room?

A:  For more help using the EMS Web app, click here.

Q:  Who can I contact for help?

A:  Click here to submit a form for help.


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