Familiarize with your MyBLUE homepage as quickly as possible, the answers to many of your questions are found here.
- My Classes - a calendar view including the days and times of all enrolled classes, the class location and the name of the faculty member.
- My Balance - up to date balance of your student account. Included is the "make a payment" button if you wish to make online payments.
- My To Dos - any items needing immediate attention will show up here, address any listed items as soon as possible.
- My Advisors - contact info for your assigned advisors (you may have multiple) depending on your academic plan. If no advisor is listed contact the office of Academic Advising and Career Development.
- Academic Calendar - semester breaks, payment schedules and other important events.
Search / Add / Drop - any and all changes to your course schedule happen here.
Use the "quick search" feature within the Shopping Cart section by typing the abbreviation of the desired subject - English - ENG | Psychology - PSY | History - HIST
If you know the specific course you are looking for use the subject abbreviation in combination with the course number - ENG 102 | PSY 203 | HIST 250
To conduct a more detailed class search use the "advanced search" button found just to the right of the "quick search."
- Course Catalogs - a complete overview of all UNK majors, minors and pre-professional programs complete with lists of required classes.
- Search for Classes - allows you to search based on preferences - days of the week, class start/end times, online courses etc.
- Schedule of Classes - the quickest way to view semester offerings for an entire subject. Selecting Accounting (ACCT), will result in a list of all active accounting courses.
- Enrollment Verification - used for proof of enrollment. Typically required by insurance companies or employers contributing to education costs.
Final grades are posted here and remain here permanently. If there is a discrepancy concerning your final grade, the link for the appeal procedure is found here as well.
- Request Transcript - this only applies to UNK transcripts and provides you the option of requesting a free paper copy or an electronic version for a small fee.
- Degree Audit - Degree Audit tracks your academic progress towards graduation.
- Transfer Credit Report - official transcripts from previous institutions will show here, if completed work is missing contact UNK's Registrars Office immediately.
- Graduation Application - this needs to be completed as you enter your final semester. You will receive a notifications reminding you to do this.
Financial Aid
Use this section to review and accept any financial awards.
- View Cost of Attendance - itemized breakdown of your anticipated semester costs.
- Accept/Decline Awards - in many cases you must manually accept your financial awards, do so here.
- Summer Financial Aid - summer is an "open" term and requires its own application for aid.
- My Loan Debt - track any current student debt.
Student Accounts
All account details and billing information as well as online payment options.
- Account Details - itemized cost breakdown for each individual semester of attendance.
- 1098 T Form - available to any student who paid "qualified educational expenses" that are required for enrollment.
- Invoice History - a digital receipt regarding your payments to UNK.
- Direct Deposit - optional, direct deposit can be set up in the case that the University should need to issue you a refund.
A collection of quick links - CANVAS | Campus Housing Application | University Parking Permit.
- Canvas - just one of several places you can access the login screen for your Canvas account. Canvas is an online management system used by all web-based courses as well as some traditional classes.
- Campus Housing - a $50 deposit & completion of the housing application is the only way to reserve a room.
- Degree Works - a different way to access your Degree Audit.
- Police and Parking - purchase your UNK parking permit as well as pay any parking fines.
The contact information UNK has on file for you is located here. As changes occur (address, email, phone etc.) update things here. This is the info used to send any and all UNK information.
- Immunizations - all students must (1) complete the "Pre-Enrollment Health Form" found here (2) upload required immunization records using the "Student Health Records Service" also found here.
- Online Only students are exempt from (2) immunization records
- Emergency Contacts - list/update individuals who need to be notified in the event of an emergency.
- Addresses - current or preferred mailing address.
- Phone Numbers - cell, permanent and work all based on your preference.
- Email Addresses - personal email and your UNK Lopermail addresses are located here.